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თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
English Don’t ya love her madly Don’t ya need her badly...
Don’t ya love her madly
Don’t ya need her badly
Don’t ya love her ways
Tell me what you say

Don’t ya love her madly
Wanna be her daddy
Don’t ya love her face
Don’t ya love her as she’s walkin’ out the door
Like she did one thousand times before

Don’t ya love her ways
Tell me what you say
Don’t ya love her as she’s walkin’ out the door

All your love
All your love
All your love

Completed translations
Romanian Nu o iubeÅŸti nebuneÅŸte?Nu ai nevoie de ea foarte mult?